
My Homebrew 3 Elements 20m Monoband Yagi

After used GRRV for all bands especially on 20m, I decided to build my own 20m yagi because I always monitor Indonesian stations got pile up on 20m while using beam antena.  Started on February 2012, I tried a few time to build it but failed, SWR very high. I don't have antena analyzer meter or SWR meter.  I just used ready built SWR at the ATU unit and at my transceiver.  I studied more about 20m yagi in the internet and asked a few 9m2 stations. Thank you very much to  Pak Rashad - 9M2VOT,  Joe-9M2AVB, Pak Nasir - 9M2NAM and Tuan Haji Daud - YC6CDN (Loksumawe, Indonesia) for your tips and lesson. They guided me how to make balun or coil and used for rotary dipole first. After that I put the rotary dipole on the 5.4m boom. Unbeleiveable ,  SWR shown less than 1:1.(tuner not required)  I fixed my antena just 20 feets from the ground on my tower and running 80watts. power .  Very very succesfull, I around the world on 20m.  I worked more than thousands stations and got new DXCC from Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, Australia, New Zealand and others.  The northest station I got was from Svalbard Island     ( JW7XM - 59.59). Here I showed, how I built my 20m monoband yagi for all my friends who wanted to try. I know it's look bad and not nice but it's done the good job for me. I'm not a good technician but I always tried.

 The elements

 5.4m boom - 1 1/2 inches square aluminium

Ready assamble 

 Fixed up 20 feets on my tower

My Kepala Batas Ham's Radio team that help me

 Ready For  Dxing

 My antenas Farm,  up 10m yagi, below 20m yagi

 Using biscuits container - 6 inches diameter

 Turn 8 turns RG58 wire, used cable tide first.

 Take off the container, put some hard plastic and bind it with tape

Fed closed to the insulated driven 

 Saparate two driven - 1 inch

For you information, I just insulated driven element. Reflector and Director were not insulated.


  1. Congratulations! I wanna make it too!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your antenna. Any small one for my tv so that i can

  3. What is full lenght of director, driven and reflector after overlap (25 cm)? Thank you!

  4. I just want to say I like your yagis. Good job!

  5. Nak pi base xdan,menuntut kot ni je la

  6. Thank you very good information. Best 73 LA9TKA :)

  7. What is the value of balun. Will 1:1 work

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Terima Kasih Sahabat berkongsi Pengalaman..
