
My 4 element monoband Yagi ( 28Mhz)

 I have a problem in dxing from short path because I don't have rotator.   My 3 elements yagi just fix to 280 degrees to the west.  As you know, I just involved in HF bands, so I just used basic equipment, set HF, power supply, tuner and homebrews antenna.  I always think what should I do, to dxing from the short path to North America.   My friends said they got many stations from NA by short path.  So, I planned to build new Yagi to fix at the east of my tower.   I read much about yagi in . Thanks a lot  to DK7ZB. I don't have antenna analyzer, just some toolswork.  I tried and finished my 4 elements yagi work.  Built boom, element and coil. But the result not good as I expacted,. SWR high more than 2.5,  I don't know whats wrong, something wrong with boom, element or coil.  I have to used antenna tuner to stablelised its. Lastly,  the antenna matching 1.1 at 28.440Mhz at 90watts. I'm just a new amature man in ham's radio.  I'd like to homebrewed my self. Try an error is my concepts.
     I fixed my new yagi 40 degrees to the  north east for short path.  I started transmitted my new yagi  on November 4th, 2011.  Unbeleived, got many stations from Europe and Japan, very strong signal.  Ones that I'm very happy, on November 12nd, 2011, got many stations from Japan and  stations from North America - N9RV (5,8) , W7QR(5,7) and Hawaii KH7DX (5,7). On November 19th, 2011, for the time got 2 stations (DXCC) from Canada, VA5DX and VE5UA and 6 stations from US, NW7E, W1YY, N7WT, KH7XE, KH6MAC AND WA6KHK.    Successfull, successfull............My new antenna done well jobs.
Here I shared with you about my new antenna. For a new hams stations  you can try to built it.

 The tools

                                                        Plate for Ref., Rad., Dir. 1 and Dir. 2

                                                         3.80m boom and 4 elements          

                                                                 Ready to assamble

                                                              Ref. plate rivett to the boom

                                                              Rad. plate rivett to the boom

                                                          Dir. 1 plate rivett to the boom

                                                         Assamble Ref. elements to boom

                                                   Insulated element of Rad. put on the boom

                                               Connecting system to Rad. element and socket

                                                   2 x 1.76m RG 59 coax to built choke

                                                               Insulated  Dir. 1 on boom

                                                                 Driven element  in process

                                                                 Reflector Element

                                                                   Driven element

                                                          4 element yagi high up my tower.

                                                        On the top 3 element yagi (28Mhz)