
All Bands Vertical Antenna-HF (homebrew)

      A few months ago my friend 9W2 AYR(Anuar) and I visited my new friend 9M2LR (Mr.Richard Lau) at Nibong Tebal, South of Seberang Perai, Penang. After a few talked he gave us an article about vertical antenna that he took from the internet.  He has tried and have good result for HF all bands and no need to use tuner. I'm very excited to try it but I have to find something like ferrite core, stainless steel cable, fishing pole and. PVC pipe.  All ot these things are easy to find it but the ferrite core is hard to get it because this is the first time I was told about ferrite core or ferrite ring.
     After saw Mr Richard I traveled every electronics shop at Butterworth, I just got small ferrite ring and after a few shop lastly I find big feerite ring that suitable for my new project.  I'm very happy and bought everythings that needed.  The day after tomorrow I started my projects and after some trials I got good result like Mr Richard got. This antenna does not require a tuner and which is acapble of porviding reasonable performance on all bands from 7MHz to 28MHz but reduce performance from 3.5MHz to 51MHz).   For more informations you can visits website Martin - G8JNJ.  You can try it.

You have to make 5.1 RF Transformer
                                         Ferrite rings and copper tubes

 Put the copper tube inside the ferrite ring to make 5.1 RF Transformer

Two tubes of cooper inside the ferrite ring and make 5.1 RF Transformer

                                Put the transformer inside PVC pipe 

                                        This is  5.1 RF transformer

Build 1.1 balun for this antenna.

You can use five of the same ferrite rings glued together with five turns of coax through the ferrite.

                               Put it inside the PVC pipe and finish for 1.1 balun

The antenna from the fishing pole(telescopic). You need :
1.   8metres fishing pole(rod)
2.   22 feets 8 inches long stainless steel wire(5mm diameter) or copper wire or any wire you have.

                                      Clip the 5.1 RF Transformer to the fishing rod 

                                                                                                                                                                                 Put the stainless steel or any wire  inside the fishing rod straigh from bottom to top or you can tie wrapped  it outside by masking tape every 2 or 3 feet to prevent from moving.  Clip the fishing rod to the aluminium  pipe or any pipe. Don't forget to joint the cable from 5.1 RF Transformer to 1.1 balun and direct to you  radio. After that connected outer coax braid  to earth on 'radio' side of balun.  Now you can try to transmit  you new antenna.  My antenna was high up just 20 feet but can copy many stations from Europe, Middle East,  Japan, China and others through 20metres (14MHz).  For me it's perform good for 20metre and 40metre.  For 10metre, Delta Loop antenna perform better. You can make it as permanent antenna at your base or  as a portable by using the telescopic fishing rod(can make it short)   OK. that all for Vertical antenna, you can try it yourself.