
3 ELEMENTS YAGI (you can see and try to make it)

     I studied much about yagis from the internet and asked some experienced person.  While I started on air, I decided that one day I will make one for my own.   Many people said that yagi is the best beam antenna for VHF or HF.  I ever made  3 and 5 elements of VHF yagi.. These are the small and simple yagi.   In the internet, we can saw the big HF yagi high up more than  20 meters from the ground stand on the high tower. I have my own 40 feets tower. Today I made my own history, I made my first  HF 3 elements yagi. It's very simple and everyone can make if you have tools and time.  It's look quiet bad but good enough for the first trial.  The yagi matching at  28.500 at 1.1 SWR.  Very succesfull,  my first yagi. Coming with others bands of yagi.  Aaaaaaa........a

                                                       The tools

                  3 Elements - 12mm, 10mm and 8mm aluminium tubes

      1 inch Square Boom and element holder made by aluminium plate

                                    Rivet the plate to the boom

                                 The plate and the boom from the back side

                                     Cable Socket and Gama match holder

                                             Gama match holder

                                     Driven element was clip to the boom

                                                       Ready for trial

                                          All component were complete

                                                    My FIRST YAGI

                                    Ready for matching the antenna

                    Successfull Work - matching at 28.500 - 1.1 SWR

                                          The process - High up to the tower

                                                       Very high, make me dizzy

                No need electrics rotator, just use cable and pulley to rotate
                                       (homebrew and very cheap)

 Ready to CQDX

* cost $30us /RM100.00